Sunday, April 25, 2010

Networked Media Production Week 11

This week was all about datavisualitsation- lots of different and cool ways to present data. I have a few ideas on what data I want to present, so far I am considering looking at UFO sightings from around the world. Maybe have light dots on every location of UFO sightings, or have the globe rotating but that would be a little too advanced.

In the lecture Michael was talking about how it's important to present the data in a way where the viewer can acquire useful information, to learn or come to a conclusion about the topic based on the way the data is presented. Which is why I want to sort of focus on a more analytical approach to this assignment rather than present statistics in an attractive way. Except I'm not sure how I will achieve this with UFO sightings. Maybe analyse where most UFO sightings occur to maybe come to the conclusion along these lines:

- If you directly relate UFO's to aliens, then maybe look at the location with the most UFO sightings and see why UFO sightings are occurring more in this region rather than other regions.

- Is it because of useful material that these locations offer, or is it a cultural sort of construct, where there are stronger believers in UFO's and aliens in this particular region, that these people are made to believe that anything peculiar moving in the sky is most likely a UFO.

In my opinion this is an interesting assignment, I think datavisualisation is an important and more attractive way to educate.

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