Sunday, May 2, 2010

Networked Media Production Week 12

Ok, after this weeks tutorial, i decided for my datavisualisation to scratch the idea about UFO's and focus my attention on boxing. Im STRONGLY considering using a punches thrown to punches landed ratio throughout the careers of both Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali. Too often is the question asked "Who would win?", so for my assignment I would like to compare these statistics between two of the greatest boxers of all time. I haven't started researching yet but I don't think it will be too hard to extract these statistics because of how popular these retired boxers are, even today. So look at both of their peaks, the percentage of punches landed to how many punches thrown. I will consider the amount of wins by knockout to how many times the fighter was knocked down and out during their careers. And hopefully present it in an interesting visualisation.

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